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Past Life Regression Therapy 
in London 

  • Are you curious about your soul's journey through time?

  • Are you wondering about the origins of your fears and phobias?

  • Ready to heal past traumas and release emotional baggage? 

  • Are you ready to awaken to your true potential and purpose?


Experience the transformational effects of past life regression therapy today.


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We are not humans with a soul.
We are Souls having a human experience.

Dolores Cannon

 What is Past Life Regression? 

 What is Past Life Regression? 

Are you curious about who you were in a former life?

  • Do surreal dreams ever feel like distant recollections?

  • Is it possible that unresolved issues are holding back your potential for success?

  • How have the events of your past impacted the individual that you've become today?


Past life regression is a therapeutic technique that can guide you into accessing memories of their past lives. By entering a deep hypnotic state, you can recollect vivid details and emotions from previous incarnations, gaining insights into your present-day patterns and behaviors. It helps uncover unresolved past-life traumas and brings healing and growth in the present


Have you ever wondered what your past life was like? Or if you have ever lived before?

Well, you may not have to just wonder anymore.


With the help of past life regression hypnotherapy, you can explore your past lives in a safe and controlled environment


Have you ever found yourself wondering about the mysteries of the universe?

Are you curious about what happens after death and why we experience certain events in our lives?


Well, then past life regression hypnosis may be worth a look!


This form of therapy explores how our past lives could be influencing our current lives.


Let’s take a closer look at how this type of hypnosis works.



How does Past Life Regression work? 

How does it work

Guided by me, you will enter into a relaxed meditative state and embark on an exploration of prior incarnations. This calm experience uncovers visuals, sounds, feelings or emotions from the distant past that are often deeply profound in their implications.


Hypnosis is used to induce a trance-like state that allows you to explore memories from  previous lives. During the session, I will help guide you through the process, asking questions and helping you make connections between these memories and current circumstances.


You are put in a relaxed state through hypnosis or other relaxation methods before being guided back into past lives in order to gain insight into the current situation. Clients often report feelings of clarity and understanding after these sessions as they come away with newfound perspectives about themselves and how the events of their past can influence them today.

When to do Past life Regression

When to do Past life Regression

Are you wondering if past life regression could benefit you? Here are some situations where it might be the perfect time to explore this fascinating process:


  1. Unexplained Fears and Phobias: If you have fears or phobias that don't seem to have a clear cause in your current life, past life regression can help uncover their origins.

  2. Recurring Patterns and Relationships: If you notice recurring patterns in your behavior or relationships that you can't explain, exploring past lives might provide insights into these cycles.

  3. Chronic Pain or Health Issues: Sometimes, chronic pain or health problems that don't respond well to traditional treatments may have roots in past life experiences.

  4. Emotional and Spiritual Healing: If you're on a path of emotional or spiritual healing, past life regression can help release old traumas and negative emotions, promoting inner peace.

  5. Curiosity and Exploration: If you have a natural curiosity about your soul's journey and want to explore your past lives out of interest, it can be an enlightening experience.

  6. Life Purpose and Direction: When you're seeking clarity about your life purpose or direction, past life regression can reveal insights about your soul's mission and lessons.

  7. Deepening Spiritual Connection: If you're looking to deepen your spiritual connection and understanding, exploring past lives can enhance your awareness of the spiritual aspects of your existence.

  8. Resolving Unexplained Emotions: If you experience strong, unexplained emotions, such as sadness, anger, or nostalgia, past life regression may help identify their sources.

  9. Improving Relationships: If you're struggling with relationships, past life regression can reveal past connections and karmic ties, helping you understand and improve those relationships.

  10. Personal Growth and Self-Discovery: When you're on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery, past life regression can provide valuable insights into who you are and why you are here.


Do any of these situations resonate with you ?

Does Past Life Regression work for everyone? 

No matter your gender, age or ethnicity, Past Life Regression has the potential to be beneficial for everyone - unless they outright reject reincarnation as a concept.


What do you want to achieve with PLR?

Before beginning your first Past Life journey, it is essential to identify what needs addressing - is it a fear or hurt you would like to overcome? Are there past relationships that need more context? Or are you eager to explore the purpose of life itself? For an effective and successful Past Life Regression session, setting a goal beforehand is key.

Ask yourself these simple questions: 


  • Are you curious about your soul's journey through time?


  • Do you want to know about the origins of your fears and phobias?


  • Are you ready to heal past traumas and release emotional baggage?


  • Are you curious about the karmic lessons and relationships from past lives? 


  • Are you feeling stuck in repetitive patterns?​


  • Do you want to deepen your spiritual connection and understanding?


  • Ready to awaken to your true potential and purpose?


  • ​If you answered YES, then Past Life Regression can help you uncover the answers you seek.​



How to prepare for a past life regression session 

How to prepare for a past life regression session 


To get the most out of your Past Life Regression session, it's important to come to the experience with an open mind. Spend time thinking about the memories you would like to explore and set intention around any goals you have in exploring past lives. Visualize yourself feeling open to new possibilities outside of your “reality” as you know it.


Allow yourself to imagine how it would feel to slip into a trance as you embark on a journey through time and space. When preparing for Past Life Regression, remember that both excitement and skepticism are normal feelings; taking part in this mystical exploration is ultimately a deeply personal experience, so don’t worry about what others may think!

What to expect during a past life regression session


During a Past Life Regression session, you will be guided on a journey within your mind and memories to explore past life experiences that were relevant to your current incarnation. You may experience visions of what transpired then, vivid emotions and sensations, or feel strong connections to people you encounter or places you visit in your visions. It's a unique journey into the depths of your soul that can offer powerful insights into who you are and why certain patterns arise in your life today.


It can lead to an increased sense of self-knowledge and understanding, which can help enhance wellbeing and foster transformation.

What to expect during a past life regression session
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Sessions Structure

Past Life Regression Therapy

Initial Session


During our initial session, we'll embark on a journey together where we get to know each other and establish what you'd like to work on. I'll take the time to gather as much information as possible to craft a personalized therapy plan tailored just for you.


Additionally, I'll provide you with a detailed explanation of how past life regression and hypnotherapy work. 


In the second half of the session, you'll experience a deeply relaxing hypnosis session followed by a short regression. This will allow you to become familiar with the process and ease into it comfortably.


Second and Follow-up Sessions:


In subsequent sessions, our focus will be on regression therapy to delve into your past lives, uncover any blockages, and work on healing them. These sessions, which can be scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, will last approximately 2 hours each and will be personalized to suit your unique needs.


Price: £140

Duration: 2 hours

Past Life Regression

If you're seeking a one-time experience, the one-off session option is perfect for you.


This session, lasting around 3 hours, offers a glimpse into your past lives, guided by your subconscious mind. Depending on where your subconscious takes us, we'll explore one or more of your past lives.


Please keep in mind that while this session can provide valuable insights, subsequent sessions may be needed depending on specific issues you want to address. Whether to continue with additional sessions will be entirely your decision.


Trust in your unconscious mind; it will guide you to what you need to see.


Price: £180

Duration: 3 hours

After your session - what's next?

After your session - what's next?


After you have experienced Past Life Regression through hypnosis, it's natural to have lots of thoughts and feelings come up. It can be exciting to have uncovered parts of yourself that may have previously been unknown, as well as giving more understanding into your current life situations.


Past life regression is just one way of understanding many aspects of reincarnation, a fascinating journey in exploring our true selves!


- So what's next?


As you process the feelings that come after a Past Life Regression session, you can use it to apply these insights to your current life and future plans. When we discover the hidden stories within ourselves, we become liberated and empowered in our daily lives which can influence our decisions and how we approach challenges ahead.



Rebecca J

I worked with Laura for past life regression therapy for a couple of months and it's been absolutely mind-blowing! Her gentle guidance and empathy made it so easy for me to dive deep into my subconscious. I ended up healing old stuff, letting go of things that were holding me back, and even figuring out what I'm really here for. Seriously, it's been wild to see the changes in my life since then. If you're looking to shake things up and grow big time, Laura's your go-to person!

About Me

About Me

  Hello, I'm Laura 

I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression and Past Life Therapy Practitioner, who helps people like you explore their past lives and find out who they truly are. My work is based on the belief that we all have many lives and that our current mental health problems may be a result of something that happened in a previous life. 


I specialize in past life regression hypnosis. I believe that each of our lives is connected to the past in ways we can’t always see or understand. Through the use of hypnosis, I take people on a journey to explore their past lives and uncover insights that may help them gain a better understanding of the present. I truly believes that we all have the potential for greatness within us, and I want to help YOU access that power.


My own mental health journey has been one of growth and understanding, and ultimately it has led me to where I am today - helping others find peace and understanding in their lives


I offer a unique and individualised service to help you explore the depths of your past lives. I'm committed to helping you find answers to your questions, understand patterns in your current life, and heal from the experiences that you have gone through.


My approach is tailored to your specific needs and I provide a safe, non-judgmental space to explore your past life memories. Whether you're interested in reconnecting with a past life, healing a trauma, or discovering your true purpose, I'm here to help you unlock the secrets of your past.



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45 Central Street,

 London  EC1V 8AB 

United Kingdom​

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